Finding and Recognizing a Healthy Partner
I've completed the prelude to Psychoanalytic training at the Institute of Psychoanalytic Education which is affiliated with New York University Medical School. And have completed Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Certificate program at the Alanson J. White Institute. Both of these training have helped me understand how people relate to one another and why we CHOOSE certain partners. Yes, we unconsciously CHOOSE to get involved with either a distant or needy/clingy partner.
I apply both psychoanalytic and attachment theory when dealing with couples or single adults. By learning about attachment, you can build healthier, attuned relationships, and communicate more effectively.
What is Attachment Theory?
Mary Ainsworth, a psychologist conducted a study with infant/toddlers and their caregivers; Ainsworth devised an assessment technique called the Strange Situation Classification (SSC) in order to investigate how attachments might vary between children. Ainsworth suggested that behavior in the strange situation classification was determined by the behavior of the primary carer (in this case the mother).
Someone’s attachment style can influence how they feel in their relationships (satisfaction, love, etc.), as well as a wide variety of behaviors including communication, conflict, break-ups, and sex. For example, anxious preoccupied individuals deal with rejection and break-ups by jumping from one serious relationship to the next very quickly (rebounding). Avoidant individuals are more likely to seek superficial physical/sexual encounters with others (e.g., one-night stands) outside the context of a committed relationship.
Should reach out…
If you are worried that you are insecure, keep this in mind: most people are secure, and even those who have some insecurity may only be mildly or moderately insecure. If you feel you have difficulties in relationships, change is certainly possible, and often happens when individuals with some insecurity experience warm and supportive relationships with secure people, who can show them the proper trust and support that they never received before.
How can coached be helpful?
Learning about your attachment style can help you gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses and will clarify what really attracts you to a certain person, as I'm sure you keep picking the same type of personality over and over. To break the pattern we will go over your attachment style and teach you skills needed to recognize a partner that is not ready for a relationship or a partner that can be overwhelming/needy. You will also learn what a healthy attachment style is and how to recognize and pick a partner that will be loving, caring and supportive.